Biotech hub Mainz: leading the way in business and science in Europe

An innovation-driven science hub: Mainz is positioning itself as a new, central hub for life science and biotechnology in the heart of Europe. Its location in Rhineland-Palatinate and the Rhine-Main area provides an excellent network for start-ups and companies in biotech that are looking for a base in Europe.

Find out more about the main advantages offered by Mainz for investors as well as researchers in the field of biotechnology.


Facts and goals for the hub:

  • 74

    The total space available in the city proper for start-ups, business relocation and expansion.

  • 2–9–6

    Two universities, nine research facilities and six hospitals create a sound knowledge base.

  • 40

    There are almost 40,000 students enrolled at Johannes Gutenberg University and Mainz University of Applied Sciences, forming the basis for an attractive and highly skilled labor market.

  • 25

    Mainz is located in central Europe, with excellent road, rail, waterway and air connections to global markets. Frankfurt Airport is only 25 minutes away.

  • 100

    Setting up an internationally recognized cluster for life sciences and biotechnology with around 100 members in the network.

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    B €

    Goals include the generation of 1 billion euros in private and public investment, as well as the creation of new and secure jobs.

The city of Mainz has a long history in the biotechnology sector and has garnered much international attention recently thanks to the success of BioNTech.

This has resulted in a unique dynamic in Mainz with a lot of growth potential for biotech institutions and companies – providing ideal conditions for the city to emerge as a new life science and biotech hub in Europe.

What are the benefits of the biomindz community?

Biotechnology momentum
Positive development and the success story continues

“We have shown that companies can start up here and become very successful. BioNTech is a dynamically growing global corporation based in Mainz, proving that the city has an international appeal that has enormously enhanced the reputation of its research landscape. Newcomers can also benefit from this appeal and the existing ecosystem.”

Internationally recognized center of science
Excellent research and development

The success of BioNTech, Ganymed and TRON prove how the fundamental research performed at the city’s university hospital, Universitätsmedizin Mainz, can be translated into innovative products. There are more than 30 universities in the region, with some 250,000 students, representing an attractive skilled labor market. Companies can build relationships with the students at an early stage.

Excellent growth prospects
Ample commercial space and start-up support

The city of Mainz is investing in the future of the location. There are 30 hectares of city-center space available in the short and medium term for the successful launch of start-ups and the relocation of established businesses. The life science center operated by the city and state will offer laboratory and office space for start-ups with easy financing terms, as well as tailored advice and support. The assessment rate for trade tax has been reduced on a sustained basis.

Unique location and infrastructure
Biotech metropolitan region and powerhouse in the heart of Europe

The hub is in one of the economically strongest regions of Germany and offers excellent land, water and air transport infrastructure, providing good access to world markets. The region as a whole is in excellent shape, boasting major companies from the life sciences and biotechnology industry (such as BI, Merck, Sanofi, BioNTech and Schott). Internationally renowned educational and research facilities make a considerable contribution to economic prosperity.

Excellent quality of life
World-class art and culture, coupled with the unique “Mainzvibes”

Mainz possesses over two thousand years of history and an extensive range of cultural and leisure activities. The metropolitan region also offers a huge volume of world-class art, sports and cultural events. Its unique culture rooted in hospitality, openness, cordiality and a down-to-earth mentality forms the Mainzvibes, which set the city apart from other locations. It creates an environment that is open to new ideas, allows innovation and entrepreneurship to flourish and offers room for growth.

What are the success factors for further economic development?

A study by Deloitte identifies the success factors for the expansion of Mainz as a biotechnology hub:

  • Focus on setting up a central campus in the vicinity of the university as a starting point for the further development of the location and formulating a relocation plan for a minimum of ten years
  • Mixed-use development is essential; modern, flexible offices and laboratories equipped with basic technology is necessary to be competitive
  • Incorporate sustainability aspects concerning energy supply and mobility, for example, as well as social factors, into urban planning from the outset

What are the local hub development goals in Mainz?

The shared goal is to set up an internationally recognized and constantly growing biotechnology cluster with a strong start-up scene and successful technology transfer.

What will it take to achieve this? What are we working on?

Promoting start-ups with the aim of developing flagship projects to attract international talents as well as small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to Mainz. More information on starting a business and support can be found here:

Where can I find more information about starting a business?

Life Science Zentrum Mainz (LZM) GmbH is a joint subsidiary of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate and its capital city Mainz. It provides consulting services to technology entrepreneurs and start-ups from the fields of biotech and life sciences. 
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More information on starting a business can be found on the city of Mainz economic development website. 
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Unternehmenswerkstatt Rheinland-Pfalz is a service from the chambers of commerce and industry (IHKs) in Rhineland-Palatinate to support prospective start-ups and new companies. 
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The Ministry of Economic Affairs, Transport, Agriculture and Viniculture of Rhineland-Palatinate (Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Verkehr, Landwirtschaft und Weinbau, MWVLW) provides a website containing extensive information on setting up a business and succession. 
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The Investitions- und Strukturbank Rheinland-Pfalz (ISB) is the development bank of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate, offering companies the relevant aid programs to help them set up. 
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Gründungsbüro Mainz is an alliance between the Startup Center at University Mainz, the university hospital and Mainz University of Applied Sciences. Its goal is to support and accompany students, professors, employees and alumni from science and research who are interested in setting up an academic start-up or spin-off company. 
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At the Johannes Gutenberg University Startup Center, people from all departments and status groups who are interested in setting up a company receive initial information, advice concerning their specific questions and assistance with funding applications, as well as any necessary referrals to external agencies. 
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The university hospital’s Gründungsbüro develops innovative products in partnership with the region’s universities (TU Darmstadt and GU Frankfurt am Main), forms interdisciplinary start-up teams and actively supports them on their way to becoming successful businesses. 
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The Start-up Campus at Mainz University of Applied Sciences rounds things out. The start-up campus “meins” (Mainz for Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Nachfolge [Succession] and Start-up) brings together all start-up-related institutions, players, offers and services of Mainz University of Applied Sciences. 
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Who do I contact if I would like to relocate my business to Mainz?

Grundstücksverwaltungsgesellschaft der Stadt Mainz mbH (GVG) is a wholly owned subsidiary of the city of Mainz. It was set up in 1991 to develop commercial and residential properties and thereby improve the social and economic structure in the city of Mainz. The person to contact is:

Franz Ringhoffer, Managing Director of GVG
Phone: + 49 6131 124444

Where can I find information if I live abroad but would like to work in Rhineland-Palatinate?

The state of Rhineland-Palatinate and its capital city Mainz are situated in the heart of Europe. The region offers a strong economy, plenty of access to nature and great prospects for families. In addition to the city’s economic development department, the Mainz city authority compass offers helpful information for people who have recently arrived in Mainz to live and work here.


The Central Immigration Office for Skilled Workers in Rhineland-Palatinate (ZAB RLP) supports in obtaining the right visa - be it to take up employment or complete training in the region. It is the central point of contact for companies regarding the fast-track procedure for skilled workers.


The state’s website provides further information on living and working in Rhineland-Palatinate.

As a life science and biotechnology hub in Europe, Mainz brings together the worlds of research and business: A location with international pull.

Established biotech companies including BioNTech, Novo Nordisk and Schott Pharma as well as research institutions such as TRON, IMB and the University Medical Centre Mainz have laid the foundation for a robust economic structure in Mainz, paving the way for the city to become a biotech hub with excellent future prospects. The city of Mainz is well positioned to take on a major international role in innovative research thanks to its worldwide recognition. Start-ups and companies in the area of biotechnology now have an opportunity to capitalise on this strong location.

  • Density of talent promotes innovation and progress: In Mainz, research facilities, biotech companies and institutions benefit from close proximity to one another, facilitating mutually beneficial collaboration.
  • A vital scientific community: Mainz offers an active network and a platform for forward-looking ideas. A biotech hub is being created in Mainz where experts, scientists and investors can come together and network internationally.
  • A location with great potential: The Mainz life science hub brings together all the relevant players in biotechnology. It offers ideal conditions for start-ups and research right in the heart of Europe. You can find a map of the life science hub here.
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With active location development, Mainz is creating a dynamic research environment that is particularly attractive for biotech start-ups and founders.

The life science and biotech hub will enable you to start a business with a future – high-quality laboratories and offices are emerging, while an active start-up scene and a competitive business tax rate make it easier for your company to settle in Mainz.

Numerous public institutions such as Life Science Zentrum Mainz, the Startup Center of Johannes Gutenberg University and the City of Mainz Economic Development Department are on hand to advise you and connect you with major players in the area of biotechnology.

More information for start-ups


Mainz is establishing itself as a life science and biotech research hub with the best local conditions for investors, start-ups and companies.

As an up-and-coming biotechnology hub, Mainz is located in the heart of the economically strong Rhine-Main region and has excellent transport infrastructure. The ease of accessibility promotes the exchange of expertise and resources with institutes and experts worldwide.

Rendering Life Science Campus_2

With a modern life science campus in a central location and direct links to science and research, Mainz is investing in life science and biotechnology at the location. (Grafik: ©Stadt Mainz/ grauwald-studio)

Life Science- und Biotech Hub Mainz

The Rhine-Main region is characterised by culture, nature and a high quality of life. It is a place that invites long-term settlement for working and living.

Renowned research and educational institutions in Mainz provide powerful research infrastructure. With around 40,000 students, Mainz has a large skilled labour market with a high level of innovation and development potential for biotechnology and the life sciences. 

An active ecosystem for researchers with well-equipped laboratories is currently being created on the life science campus near the university. A total of around 30 hectares of centrally located sites are available in the short and medium term for start-ups and companies to set up business. 

The focus here is on attracting companies and start-ups from the most innovative economies in the biotechnology and life science sector, such as the USA, Europe and Asia - but also from emerging regions in North and South America, Oceania and Africa.