About biomindz

To enable start-ups and companies to successfully establish and grow in Mainz, the biomindz Standortentwicklungsgesellschaft Mainz mbH was founded as a municipally owned company. 

The organisation's primary task is to support the ongoing development and promotion of the life sciences and biotechnology sector in Mainz.


What we want to achieve together

It’s the people of our city who make the difference. Not only do they drive forward transformation and innovation with grit and determination, they also create a unique culture in Mainz that is rooted in hospitality, openness, cordiality and a down-to-earth mentality. These “Mainzvibes” are as they are known, are a unique asset that can be felt when you work and live in this city. 


They create an environment that is open to new ideas, allows innovation and entrepreneurship to flourish and offers room for growth. 


By using this environment to develop the Mainz life science and biotechnology hub into a leading international location, we are putting people first and following a shared vision:


We are laying the foundations for life sciences and biotechnology in Mainz to improve people’s quality of life.


In doing so, we are making a considerable contribution to the overarching goals of turning Mainz into a carbon-neutral city, as well as a modern, fully digital and attractive place to live and work where groundbreaking innovation drives the future.

How we understand our mission

With its more than two thousand years of history, Mainz has a tradition of innovation with a positive impact on the evolution of humankind — from the invention of the printing press to incredible achievements in the biotechnology sector. 


We have impressively demonstrated that the integration of existing scientific know-how, along with bold entrepreneurship and farsighted local development and start-up policy, leads to incredible successes from life science and biotechnology companies in Mainz. 


The life science and biotechnology hub is now set to grow further and bring together more know-how in order to pursue our shared mission in a targeted manner:


From Mainz, the scientific revolution in these forward-looking technologies is to be further advanced for the benefit of humankind.


This is why we are developing and positioning the life science and biotechnology hub in Mainz as a successful and internationally visible location.


We are leveraging the existing strengths of established companies and research facilities and creating the best possible environment for brilliant thinkers, start-ups, companies, investors and all other key players in the industry.

How we aim to achieve our goals

People are our guiding compass and represent the way we want to achieve our goals.


For us, responsibility and commitment mean:
We responsibly create good framework conditions for the life sciences and biotechnology industry. With a high level of commitment, we ensure that these technologies put people first and improve their quality of life.


For us, tradition and sustainability mean:
We are committed to our two-thousand-year-old tradition and unique culture in Mainz and think in the long term. In our actions, we are guided by the global goals for sustainable development.

For us, diversity and innovation mean:

We are committed to anchoring diversity in business and society and promoting a culture of diversity in Mainz’s life science and biotechnology community. We firmly believe that this is the only way to produce more innovative and better solutions that we want to actively promote.

What you can expect from us

biomindz Standortentwicklungsgesellschaft Mainz mbH is a municipal corporation that has been set up to help start-ups and companies successfully establish themselves and grow in Mainz, a life science and biotechnology hub.


Our essential task is to support the City of Mainz in the further development and promotion of the life science and biotechnology industry in Mainz as well as the  suurounding area and also the already existing and diverse ecosystem.


The key focal points lie in immunology and individualized medicine, with a special emphasis on oncology. In addition, it boasts particularly strong expertise in diagnostics and analytics as well as other life sciences and technologies of the future.


We are a one-stop solution for investors, start-ups and companies in the life sciences and biotechnology industry. Our mission is to provide them with information, networking opportunities and professional support during their establishment and relocation.


We also maintain and nurture our relationships with all key stakeholders from business, science and politics with the aim of reinforcing local and national networks. As an important integrating element, we support the development of a professional and neutral platform with a supra-regional focus in the life sciences & biotechnology sector.


In order to raise the national and international profile and appeal of Mainz as a life science and biotechnology hub, we are preparing marketing and PR activities to approach relevant industry experts. 


Our central promise is:


“biomindz — successful research, establishment and sustainable growth; for the benefit of humankind!”

Wie wir nachhaltig handeln

Die biomindz Standortentwicklungsgesellschaft Mainz mbH sieht sich unter dem Dach der Zentralen Beteiligungsgesellschaft der Stadt Mainz mbH in besonderer Verantwortung, ihre Geschäftsaktivitäten nachhaltig zu gestalten, sie im Sinne einer nachhaltigen Unternehmensführung an ökologischen, ökonomischen und sozialen Aspekten auszurichten und diese Prinzipien in alle Prozesse des unternehmerischen Handelns zu integrieren.


Die biomindz ist sich ihrer Verantwortung für die Achtung der Menschenrechte und den Schutz der Umwelt bewusst. Es werden daher die Menschenrechte und die Belange der Umwelt sowohl im eigenen Geschäftsbereich als auch in den Wertschöpfungs- und Lieferketten geachtet und dies auch von unseren Lieferanten erwartet. Mit der Einführung des Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetzes (LkSG) hat der Gesetzgeber konkrete Rahmenbedingungen für eine verantwortungsvolle und nachhaltige Wertschöpfung in Lieferketten geschaffen. Die biomindz kommt den Anforderungen des LkSG nach. Einzelheiten dazu werden hier in der Grundsatzerklärung der Zentralen Beteiligungsgesellschaft der Stadt Mainz mbH beschrieben.


Um sicherzustellen, dass das LkSG im eigenen Geschäftsbereich und in den Lieferketten eingehalten wird, ist ein Beschwerdeverfahren eingerichtet. Dort können Beschwerden und Hinweise auf menschenrechtliche und umweltbezogene Risiken sowie Verletzungen menschenrechtsbezogener oder umweltbezogener Pflichten gemeldet werden. Auf das digitale Beschwerdeverfahren AdvoSupply zur Meldung von umwelt- und menschenrechtsbezogenen Verstößen nach dem LkSG kann hier auf der Homepage der Zentralen Beteiligungsgesellschaft der Stadt Mainz mbH zugegriffen werden. Die Beschwerdestelle nach LkSG ist nicht zuständig für allgemeine Beschwerden und Kundenanliegen.