We therefore cordially invite you to the 5th Life Science and Biotech Meetup:
Optional 17:00 - 18:15 guided tour through the IMB Core Facilities
- Please indicate if participation is desired when registering
- The meeting point for the tour is in front of the main entrance to the IMB (see address above)
Start Meetup 6:30 pm:
- Welcome & current developments at the Life Science Hub Mainz – Jan Uphoff (biomindz)
- Keynote speech IMB & Centre for Healthy Ageing (CHA) / ageing research in Mainz – Prof. Dr. Christof Niehrs (Founding Director IMB)
- Discussion on the Science Sofa of the Mainz Science Alliance – Prof. Dr. Christof Niehrs, Prof. Dr. Helle Ulrich, Prof. Dr. Klaus Lieb
- Keynote speech Midas Pharma GmbH – Dr. Andreas Brutsche (VP Corporate Development at Midas Pharma), Dr. Matthias Bauch (Global VP Biotechnology & Devices)
- Open discussion & time for networking in a cozy atmosphere
The Meetup is organized in cooperation with MAINZER WISSENSCHAFTSALLIANZ e.V., TechnologieZentrum Mainz GmbH and Biotechnologie-Akademie RLP.
Of course, the physical well-being will be provided in the form of drinks and a small catering.
We are looking forward to a lively exchange and ask for a written registration until November 16, 2023 to jan.uphoff@biomindz.com. Please indicate whether you would like to take part in the tour of the Core Facilities.
You are also welcome to forward this invitation to other interested persons in your company or other companies.
We are always happy to receive comments, feedback and suggestions for future events.
Parking is available, for example, at the Dalheimer Weg Uni parking lot, Dalheimer Weg 1, 55128 Mainz