4th Life Science and Biotech Meetup

The Life Science and Biotechnology Hub Mainz has developed into an internationally recognized location that is significantly shaped by a large number of players. Well-functioning ecosystems benefit from networking and exchange between the players. The Life Science and Biotech Meetup has established itself as a regular format in a relaxed atmosphere. We would like to continue this format together with you. The focus of the Meetup is the exchange between you, the entrepreneurs, founders and scientists as well as other players from the network.


Rheintisch – Restaurant & Café am Landtag
Platz der Mainzer Republik 1
55116 Mainz

We therefore cordially invite you to the 4th Life Science and Biotech Meetup: 


Optional 5:00-6:15 pm: Guided tour of the Rhineland-Palatinate state parliament

  • Please indicate if participation is desired when registering
  • The meeting point for the guided tour is the inner courtyard in the Deutschhaus

Start Meetup 6:30 pm: 

  • Welcome
  • Current developments at the Life Science Hub Mainz - Jan Uphoff (biomindz) 
  • Presentation of companies from the network
    • Curious Future Insight - Dr. Ulrich Betz (Vice President Innovation Merck KGaA)
    • Training of technical assistants in the life sciences & presentation of the business network technical assistants (win-ta) - Dr. Elke Martin and Dr. Katja Völkel (NTK Landau)
  • Open discussion & time for networking in a cozy atmosphere

The Meetup is organized in cooperation with TechnologieZentrum Mainz GmbH and Biotechnologie-Akademie RLP

Of course, the physical well-being will be provided in the form of drinks and a small catering. 

We are looking forward to a lively exchange and ask for a written registration until September 8, 2023 to jan.uphoff@biomindz.com. Please indicate whether participation in the state parliament tour is desired.

You are also welcome to forward this invitation to other interested persons in your company or other companies.

We are always happy to receive tips, feedback and suggestions for future events.

Parking is available, for example, in the Deutschhausplatz parking garage - PMG Parken in Mainz GmbH (parken-in-mainz.de).