Network development

Network development involves actively strengthening and expanding the existing network further. To foster our relationship with companies and the relevant stakeholders, we organize regular events where these groups can come together to network and exchange ideas. 

Another goal is to support the foundation of a professional and independent platform with a focus extending beyond the region.

Network development


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Jan Uphoff studied economic geography and has already held a variety of positions in economic development and place marketing. At the Hildesheim Economic Development Agency and the Frankfurt Economic Development Agency, he advised entrepreneurs and start-ups that were looking to set out on their own, and organized seminars and networking events for companies. At TechnologieZentrumMainz (now Life Science Zentrum Mainz GmbH), he managed a project involving an extensive needs assessment and site analysis for the restructuring of TZM GmbH into a life science and biotech incubator. 

Since March 2022, he has been the network manager for the Mainz life science and biotechnology hub. Jan sees himself as a builder of bridges between businesses, start-ups and all of the stakeholders located in the region.

As someone whose job it is to foster economic growth, I find it really fascinating how an industry of the future can develop dynamically and shape a region. I want to do my part to ensure that companies and start-ups are able to develop in the best possible way.

Evelyn Rossmann, a PhD biologist and experienced project manager, completed her biology studies in Mainz and Heidelberg. She began her career in the research and development of diagnostics before spending over 10 years working in agencies to bridge the gap between science and service.

In April 2023, she joined the team as a network developer, dedicated to scientific understanding, cooperation, and development.

Coming together is a beginning, working together is progress. With my organizational skills, I love helping people with good ideas and strong skills to come together and make visions come true.