The "Curious Future Insight Conference" was launched in 2018 by the science and technology company Merck and is organised by the Future Insight e.V.. 

The converence focuses on science combined with technology and innovation. This biannual event addresses science's response to today's major societal challenges in order to look towards a better future. Top-class guests will make the conference an event with cross-border attention. 

The "Curious Future Insight Conference 2024" will take place on 10 and 11 July 2024 in Mainz in the Rheingoldhalle.

Let yourself be inspired by how science and technology are setting the course for a promising future!

What can you expect?

  • One of the world's most prestigious conferences on the future of science and technology
  • Currently 7 registered Nobel Laureates
  • Top scientists and innovators
  • Outstanding young talents
  • >3000 participants from science and industry in 2018 and 2022
  • Experience the pinnacle of research
  • >200 Partners involved

Would you like to take part in Curious 2024? On-site and online tickets are available in the ticket shop: 

Keynote speakers at Curious2024

Keynote Speakers
Keynote Speakers
Keynote Speakers
Keynote Speakers

Voices on Curious 2024

»Science, technology and innovation - three core topics of our state capital Mainz united under the umbrella of a top-class conference. I am delighted that the Curious 2024 innovation conference will be hosted in Mainz. Mainz is developing into an internationally successful life science and biotechnology location, and next year's Curious will enable us to seamlessly build on this and sustainably increase the visibility of Mainz as a biotechnology location.«

Nino Haase, Lord Mayor of the State Capital Mainz

Nino Haase
Nino Haase

The event is organized by Future Insight. The City of Mainz and the State of Rhineland-Palatinate are cooperation partners.